testing modem for qpage

C. Bensend benny at bennyvision.com
Tue Jan 14 06:59:53 CET 2003

On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 03:20:26PM -0600, Potter, G M (Greg) wrote:
> I have been doing some preliminary testing using qpage, but it looks like qpage returns a status of 0 regardless of the page going through or not.  My initial thought was to set up the pager as a host and have the check interval set to one week.  I can live with one page a week for the knowledge that the pager is still functional.  But It seems like it would be better to check more frequently, if possible without actually sending the page.  I suppose one could write a script to open the port and use expect/send to communicate with the modem to verify it was still "alive".  Has anyone looked at this and come up with a solution?

Wow, please wrap your lines.  ;)

While this would be a hack, you might set up a local test that checks
the qpage _queue_, looking for any failure messages.  That, I think,
would be easier than trying to poke deeper into qpage.  Hopefully,
that would be sufficient for you.


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