One(host) to One(contacts) setup

Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] jcarro10 at
Wed Jan 8 18:50:44 CET 2003

1. Not sure.  I'll defer to others.

2. This is exactly what I'm doing.  You may be familiar with the cfg_file
directive in nagios.cfg.  Depending on what version of Nagios you're using,
cfg_dir is also supported.  In my case, I'm simply doing:


So long as the files in that directory end in .cfg, Nagios will read them
and treat them like other config files.

I've set up a single config file per host.  For example, abcde.cfg would
deal with hostname abcde.  It does mean you won't be aggregating
definitions, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  You could create a
file called boilerplate.cfg.example (or something equally meaningful to you)
and use that as the baseline for new host definitions.

I remember asking (and Ethan responded in the affirmative) whether directory
recursion for cfg_dir would be supported.  I don't recall which version
supports it; it could be that 1.0 already has that.  Based on that, you
could even go the extra step, creating subdirectories for each hostname, eg,
/usr/local/nagios/etc/configs/abcde, and simply add separate components
(host/service definitions) to that directory (all files ending in .cfg, of

The only host-related file that I can see you being forced into aggregating
host information, would be hostgroups.cfg.

Does this help?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry Inzauro [mailto:tinzauro at]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:17 AM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] One(host) to One(contacts) setup
> This is a 2 part question.
> 1.  Has anyone found an easier way of setting up a one host to one
> contact enviroment for nagios.  It absolutely suck the way it is right
> now with the hosts,contact,contactgroup, setup now.  
> 2.  Does Nagios support includes in the config files?  I would like to
> create one config file for each host instead of creating one type of
> config file for all hosts.  I think this approach would be easier to
> manage as well as easier to automate for multiple hosts with the same
> characteristics but different contacts for problems.  The one include
> file for the individual host would have all the information that would
> have been in all the *.cfg files.
> Please put some thought into this one.  Rewards from the naught blonde
> female sex gods would be you future:)
> Terry
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