Nagios oddity - vanishing services

Russell Scibetti russell at
Mon Jan 6 19:15:13 CET 2003

Sounds like you have multiple daemons running.

Try this.  Stop nagios, and make sure there are no nagios processes 
running (kill -9 any lingering ones).  Once you know there is nothing 
nagios-related running, do a nagios start again and see if the problem 
goes away.


Jonathan Nichols wrote:

>	Hard drive in my netsaint machine died a horrible death, so I
>finally took the plunge and installed Nagios 1.0. It's working very well
>so far, except for one thing that is driving me nuts.
>Services are just.. vanishing. I can't really describe it in words, so
>here's a URL for a screenshot:
>Notice that there are 60 services.
>When I click "Service Detail" (or any of the options, really..) it
>changes. The number of services drops down to only 52. Services drop off
>of multiple machines.
> is what it looks like
>If I right click the frame and choose "Reload," the correct information
>will show up - sometimes.
>When the page auto refreshes, sometimes the information shows up, but
>usually not.
>I'm not sure what to make of this. Has anyone else seen this before?
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Russell Scibetti
Quadrix Solutions, Inc.
(732) 235-2335, ext. 7038

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