Host Checks

Christian Vanguers wangee at
Fri Jan 3 15:52:15 CET 2003

On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 02:19:52PM -0500, Steven Duckworth wrote:
> List,
> I am a little unclear about the host checking interval.  I have read in the 
> documentation that host checks are not  scheduled to execute on a regular 
> basis.  I have also read that hosts checks are "run on demand, as nagios 
> sees a need" and this is the part that confuses me.   Can someone explain 
> how nagios determines when a host needs to be checked?
When there is no change in the status of a check, nagios will check
according to the interval mentionned on your configuration.  But, when 
the state changes (unreachable, down, ...), nagios will check
several times (also depending on your configuration)  before notifying 
contact people about the trouble found.

 |     ____       _____      _  __  |                                         |
 |    / __ \____ / ___/__  _| |/ /  |   Christian Vanguers                    |
 |   / / / / __ \\__ \/ / / /   /   |   ==================                    |
 |  / /_/ / /_/ /__/ / /_/ /   |    |   mailto: christian.vanguers at  |
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 |      OPen SYstems eXpertise      |                                         | 
 |     GnuPG keyID == 0xF814CC3A <christian.vanguers at>       	      |
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