Notification flood after host down

Ian Chilton mailinglist at
Fri Feb 28 15:31:36 CET 2003


I setup nagios a few days ago and so far it's been fine. I've had a few
host down notifications followed by a host up notification a few minutes

I setup a few more hosts+services this morning and one just went down.
Nagios sent out a host down notification. When the host came back, it
sent a hot up/recovery noticiation - all good so far.

However, over the next 10 minutes, I got recovery notifications of each
service on that host coming back up - even though they were down due to
the host been down and I had not been notified of them been down (which
is right).

Also, when I started getting these messages, I looked in the interface
and the services which were still down had about 10 minutes gap between
the 'last check' and 'next check'.

So my questions are:

1) Does any one have any ideas why it notified me for each service coming
back up after the host was down?

One way to fix that is to disable the recovery notification for
services, but then I will never get recovery notices for the services.
The only time I dont is when the host has been down, which obviously
takes the services with it so I dont need to know they have come back
when the host comes back.

2) How come it was only checking services every 10 mins or so when they
were down - shurly it should do it every "retry_check_interval or if not
that, every "normal_check_interval"?

My settings for those services are:

max_check_attempts              3
normal_check_interval           5
retry_check_interval            1
notification_interval           240
notification_period             24x7
notification_options            w,u,c,r



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