Michael Tucker mtucker at airmail.net
Mon Dec 29 23:43:09 CET 2003


I'm trying to set up nagios for the first time, using a central server, 
a distributed server, and hosts which are monitored by the distributed 
server. I seem to have everything working except for a couple of things.

  * * *

First, send_nsca -> nsca isn't working at all.

I have verified that nsca.cfg on the central server has 
"allowed_hosts={distributed server's hostname}". The central server can 
resolve the distributed server's hostname, and it can connect to it 
(ping). The submit_check_result shell script on the distributed server 
is exactly as indicated in the nagios documentation. There is no 
password in either check_nsca.cfg or nsca.cfg, and the 
encryption/decryption option is set to "1" (XOR). (I.e., I'm using the 
defaults on both ends for now.) All of the files belong to user:group 
nagios:nagios, which is the same user and group that owns the nagios 

However, the central server never receives any data from the 
distributed server. If I attempt to run send_nsca manually, I get the 
following result:

> # /usr/bin/echo {arguments} | /usr/local/nagios/bin/send_nsca -H 
> {central server's hostname} -c /usr/local/nagios/bin/send_nsca.cfg
> Error: Server closed connection before init packet was received
> Error: Could not read init packet from server

I get the same result whether I run nsca (on the central server) as a 
standalone daemon, or through inetd.

If I enable active checks on the central server, it can "see" the 
monitored host and reports that it is healthy. If I disable active 
checks, wipe out the status log and restart nagios, it reports the 
monitored host's status as PENDING (of course, because it never 
receives any status report from nsca).

  * * *

Second, check_nrpe -> nrpe doesn't work if I enable SSL. If I disable 
SSL, it works fine. But with SSL enabled, I get the following result:
> # ./check_nrpe -H {host to monitor} -c check_load
> CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.

I get the same result whether I run nrpe as a standalone daemon on the 
monitored host, or through inetd. For what it's worth, I settled on 
running it through inetd with tcp wrappers, since that works fine as 
long as SSL is not enabled. I am working around this for now, but any 
help in this regard would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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