Status map does not keep view after refresh

Paul L. Allen pla at
Mon Dec 29 15:52:22 CET 2003

Frank Pikelner writes: 

> Is this a bug or is there a way to maintain the selected view from the 
> selection list after the page refreshes?

Look for default_status_layout in cgi.cfg. 

> Also is there a way to better space out icons in the circular view so that
> they do not overlap?

A brief look at the code indicates you may be able to pass hidden
variables affecting the spacing but whether that does what you want
or not... 

There is another area where it is lacking.  We do remote monitoring for
several sites with several machines each.  They get logins that let them
look at their own machines.  But instead of the layout giving them a
view as if theirs were the only machines, it effectively gives them the
full view with machines that aren't there's blanked out.  So even though
a circular view of their machines alone would not be cramped if that's
all we were monitoring, they instead get a very cramped view with lots
of big empty gaps.  Yes, we do explain that to them, but the status map
is essentially for PHBs who don't understand explanations and just want it
to look pretty... 

Paul Allen
Softflare Support 

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