Service alerts for a host that is down

Carroll, Jim P [PCS] jcarro10 at
Tue Aug 26 22:30:23 CEST 2003

I believe your requirement can be met.  Consider the following:

Change your host check to use check_dummy, such that you use:

  ./check_dummy 0

and your host check will always return OK.  This way, when your
host nosedives, all the services will go offline and the relevant
service checks will go critical, the relevant parties notified,

If you're still interested in having some sort of ICMP check,
just define a service which uses check_ping.

Having said that, this is a bit of a kludge, or at the very least,
a bit confusing to the PHB types, because when they look at Nagios,
they'll point at it and say, "But wait, Nagios says that the host is
still up," no matter how many times you try to tell him otherwise.
You might find that a more direct approach would be to add all the
folks to the host notification list who would ordinarily be getting
notifications for failed services.

For example, if a DBA wants to be notified that his instance
of Oracle is down, even if it's the host which is hard down,
he should be able to surmise that if he's getting notified
that the host which has his instance of Oracle on it is down,
there's a pretty good chance that Oracle itself is down.  ;)

There might be other approaches, but none which spring to mind at
this time.



-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Fitzhugh [mailto:jfitzhugh at]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:12 AM
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] Service alerts for a host that is down


I have a requirement where I need the service alerts to be sent out (hopefully as an unreachable alert) for a host even when that host is down.  As I understand it, no service alerts will be sent for a host that is deemed to be down.  Is this possible?



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