Confusion re: logging of notifications

John Fox jjf at
Wed Sep 11 21:30:30 CEST 2002

Hi, Folks,

Another conundrum...

I am working on setting up logging of notifications.

To that end I contrived a 'critical' state on one of my monitored
services and let the systems sit that way for awhile...until several
notifications had arrived in my mailbox.

I then clicked the "Notification" link in the "Reporting" section of
the nagios navigation bar and got the message "No notifications have
been recorded in the current logfile."

I *do* have "log_notifications=1" in my nagios.cfg.  Is there something
else I need to set, as well?

This is nagios 1.0b4, installed via the ports mechanism on a FreeBSD
4.6-STABLE machine.

Any thoughts greatly welcomed!

Thank you in advance,

| John Fox <jjf at> | System Administrator | Internet Ventures Oregon |
| "You can't talk about George W. without addressing the strange            |
| Bilbo-Baginnian language that spurts out from between his lips like       |
| melted marshmallows coming out of a squirt gun." -- Dennis Miller         |

In remembrance

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