Time based WARN/CRIT values

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at sghosh.org
Fri Sep 6 05:19:26 CEST 2002

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Jeremy Tinley wrote:

> Is there a way to change parameters based on time of day without
> hardcoding it into the script.
> I have a process that's allowed to get a little more out-of-control at
> night.  I don't want the pager going off with the same thresholds that
> it does during the day, while I'm at work.
> Currently, I have 2 service checks, process and process-night.
> Process-night has higher critical and warning values.  It's also
> configured to check and notify during nonworkhours.  Same is true for
> the process service check.
> Did I pretty much hit the workaround, or is there something more obvious
> I'm missing?

You are pretty much on target.  The plugins have no concept of time.  so 
two different definitions would be needed...



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