controlling tty

Karl DeBisschop karl at
Sun Dec 22 14:59:43 CET 2002

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 21:14, Nate Johnson wrote:
> Maybe I wasn't clear enough about this in asking my question, but when 
> ssh'ing to each host *from the command line* and not *from the cgi 
> frontend* the checks succeed.  It is when nagios is doing the regularly 
> scheduled checks through the check_by_ssh plugin that the warning 
> message is returned to the cgi frontend.  The checks would have failed 
> when executing them manually from the command line if the hostkey of 
> the remote machine wasn't already stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

Have you tried '-f' ?

Karl DeBisschop <karl at>

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