Win2000 App Log errors from NS client

Ruecker, Rainer R.Ruecker at
Wed Dec 18 10:38:37 CET 2002

> Rainer,
> Thanks, and point taken. However you may have noticed that I 
> had removed that
> service from the services.cfg file for this host and 
> checkcommands.cfg file.
> This has been replaced using the check_citrix plugin. Still 
> the errors occur.
> regards
> Shane
Does the error occur everytime when nagios executes
check_citrix or ist the timestamp in the W2K error-log
unrelated to the activities of the plugin?

In the latter case it might help to restart the NSClient-Service.

(But from the code I can see that NSClient *builds* the 
actual perf-counter at the moment the query arrives 
over the net and *destroys* it after the query is done. 
Only the "standard" perfmons 
(SystemTotalProcessorTime, SystemSystemUpTime,
MemoryCommitLimit, MemoryCommitByte) are build
at startup of NSClient and run until the Service ist stopped.)

Are there other error-messages generated by NS-Client?


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