check_ifoperstatus problems

electro electro at
Sun Aug 25 23:18:48 CEST 2002

#Assuming $USER1$ is specified correctly, does the plugin have a .pl
#extension?  (It shouldn't)
#did you login as user nagios or su to nagios (different environments)?


$USER1$ should be specificed correctly because I am using that variable in
other service checks as well that do not seem to have any problem at all.  I
logged in as the "nagios" user and tested the plugin from the CLI and
everything seemed to work fine.  Nagios is running a daemon with the user
"nagios" which is why I happened to have tried it that way to see if perhaps
some permissions were incorrect.  It works great from the CLI, just not
running through the daemon and presenting the information on the web page.
Anything else that would appear to be making this not function correctly?
Thanks very much for your insight thus far though.  I really appreciate the

- Jeff

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