[naemon-users] After upgrade I see all hosts and services twice

Tibor Marchyn Tibor.Marchyn at zoomint.com
Sat Mar 26 14:12:34 CET 2016

Thanks Sven,

File /etc/thruk/thruk_local.conf is empty, but I have 2 files in /etc/ thruk/thruk_local.d/.

First file is named _migrated_naemon_thruk_local.conf and content is


<Component Thruk::Backend>
        name    = Naemon
        id      = 328c5
        type    = livestatus
        section = zoom
            peer          = /var/cache/naemon/live
            resource_file = /etc/naemon/resource.cfg
            core_conf      = /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg
            obj_check_cmd  = /usr/bin/naemon -v /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg

Second file is named naemon.conf and its content is similar but slightly different

mode_file = 0660
mode_dir  = 0770

<Component Thruk::Backend>
        name   = Naemon
        type   = livestatus
            peer          = /var/cache/naemon/live
            resource_file = /etc/naemon/resource.cfg
            core_conf      = /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg
            obj_check_cmd  = /usr/bin/naemon -v /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg

<Component Thruk::Plugin::BP>
    spool_dir              = /var/cache/naemon/checkresults
    result_backend         = Naemon
    objects_save_file      = /etc/naemon/conf.d/thruk_bp_generated.cfg
    objects_templates_file = /etc/naemon/conf.d/thruk_templates.cfg
    #objects_reload_cmd    = /etc/init.d/naemon reload

So which should I keep?


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