[naemon-users] naemon 1.0.3 and inheritance of servicedependencies

Schimpke, Dr. Thomas - bhn Schimpke.Thomas at bhn-services.com
Wed Jun 3 16:20:03 CEST 2015


I'm trying to migrate my nagios installation to naemon. It seems, that
it is not possible to inherit servicedependencies. What I want to do is
something like that:

define servicedependency {
   name                  dependSnmpdCordelia
   register              0

   host_name             cordelia

   service_description   Snmp Daemon  

   execution_failure_criteria  u,c,p
   notification_failure_criteria u,c,p

and then later something like e.g.

define servicedependency {
  use                           dependSnmpdCordelia
  dependent_service_description ewrm FS

If I try to verify the configuration the error message is 

Processing object config file '/etc/naemon/conf.d/cordelia.cfg'...
Warning: Duplicate definition found for service dependency
'dependSnmpdCordelia' (config file '/etc/naemon/conf.d/cordelia.cfg',
starting on line 127)
Error: Could not add object property in file
'/etc/naemon/conf.d/cordelia.cfg' on line 131.
   Error processing object config files!

Normal servicedependency definitions (i.e. without inheritance) seem to
work fine.

Is this a bug or has there been a change I'm not aware of ?

Kind regards,


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