[naemon-users] Upgrading to .9.1 caused the backend processes to need to be manually started at the console

Justin Laughlin justinnlaughlin at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 23:13:12 CET 2015

Hello Group,

About an hour ago I upgraded from 0.8 to 0.9.1 using

      apt-get install naemon

I chose to keep my existing config files after looking at the differences.
Upon launching Thruk/Naemon from my browser it reports that the backend
processes are not running.  It is unable to read


Ultimately, I manually launched Naemon at the console:

      /usr/bin/naemon   /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg

Everything seems to start up and the Thruk/Naemon web interface works as
expected.  In the past, it started up upon system boot.  Evidently that is
no longer the case.

Do you have any advice for me?   The monitoring server is running Debian 8.

Thank you,

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