Nagios external commands (2)

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Thu Sep 27 09:06:46 CEST 2007

Tobias Mucke wrote:
> Hi Andreas, hi list,
> agreed. It does not make much sense for Nagios itself to use the XML
> file, that is why I suggested (sorry for this dirty ASCII art):
> API -> description -> documentation
> and not
> documentation
>         ^
>          |
> description -> API
> Anyway this is much better than
> API ------ manually intervention ---------> documentation

Umm, I'm not so sure, because you still have

API-in-code -> manual intervention -> documentation

except that in your case, the manual intervention consists of updating
the XML description and then run some script to generate the docs
rather than updating the docs directly.

> So you just have to maintain the description ofcourse with some
> details for usage and meaning of the defined commands and than
> generate your documentation out of it.

I fail to see how that is different from maintaining the documentation.
The same bitrot problems apply, except now you have the trouble of bugs
in the documentation generator too.

> After implementing the CLI my next step will be to generate the
> documentation. May I therefor copy some command descriptions out of
> the actual documentation into my XML file? This is just for demo
> purposes. If you like the result we can discuss further steps.

I'm sure you may. The nagios docs are under the GNU docu GPL, afaik.

> Ofcourse XML is a little bit longer but in my opinion it is the most
> flexible and understandable format.

No. It's less flexible than plaintext and (to humans) a lot harder to
read too. For computers, something like windows .ini-file format is
one of the easiest to grok. XML is just an addon to HTML with a strict

> XML parsing in Java is not really
> problem, in C nobody wants to do it actually. ;-)

I don't know about Java, never having forgiven it for its rotten
performance and bulkiness. Imo, C is the right language for Nagios. It's
a system application doing heavy lifting, and quite a lot of it in some
networks. Having parts of it in Java would be wrong, even if that part
only was responsible for propagating passive check-results from one end
of the network to another, and command-line tools are hardly ever written
in java because of the ridiculous start-up costs associated with having to
launch a virtual machine to run even the "hello, world!" program.

> Maybe you got this wrong: I never wanted to understand Nagios XML code
> nor writing XML code into the pipe.

Then I did understand you wrong.

> If have some time at the weekend to go further. The CLI is just a
> first little step. Documentation generation will be the next.

Ok. Should be interesting. Just so you know though, you'll most likely have
to follow Nagios indefinitely if you want your XML documentation to be kept
up to date, as I have a hard time imagining Ethan bothering with updating
it to keep the external command list documentation complete and correct.

Andreas Ericsson          at
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