PHP interfaces for Nagios

Andreas Kasenides ank at
Mon Feb 20 10:58:04 CET 2006

Dear ALL,
with the coming of the NDOutils package, which in its 1.3 version seems 
to be
functioning adequately for now, there seems to be a strong interest in 
alternative UI system for Nagios. There are currently several 
individuals that expressed
interest to develop (or are developing) such interfaces, mostly in PHP. 
It is my opinion
that it is to the best interest of all Nagios users (and Nagios) that 
such efforts are put under
the same umbrella (not necessarily that of the Nagios core system).

Anyone interested in such a collaboration? Note that I am NOT assuming 
any leading
role in this, quite possibly I am not even suitable for it!! Just 
thought it would be nice for
Nagios to become even more open. Anyways, I could help as much I can if 
interest exists.
My .02c on the table!!
Andreas Kasenides
Tel: +357 - 22892714
(replace the %at% above with @)
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