trying to find problem in cgi/status.c

Matthew Kent mkent at
Fri Mar 4 16:45:10 CET 2005

On Fri, 2005-04-03 at 18:17 +1100, John Warburton wrote:
> OK
> Since no-one has responded (does anyone else live here?), I will report 
> back as to what I had found...
> One of our other admins set up a host definition without a 
> check_command. This is fine, as the documentation says "If you leave 
> this argument blank, the host will not be checked - Nagios will always 
> assume the host is up." (see 
> Unfortunately, the code, when displaying host specific stuff (eg the 
> "Host Detail" button, or 2-D status map), will assume that there is a 
> value in the data structure for "plugin_output".
> This explains my seg fault.

I don't quite understand, you had a check_command defined but it was

I tried this but it throws an error for me when I verify the

As for actually having an undefined check_command in a host definition,
I use a few of these in 2.0 and they work as expected. They simply list
(null) for output in the cgis.

- Matt

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