Running 6K hosts

Jason Martin jhmartin at
Tue Feb 8 19:50:54 CET 2005

I'm looking ahead to running a 6K host / 60K service distributed
Nagios setup reporting up to a central Nagios host.  

The test procedure was to write a config file consisting of X
hosts with 10 services per host.  

On a 2 proc 2Ghz Intel machine, the preflight time for 1.1 and
2.0cvs comes out as:

Hosts	v1.1(s)	v2.0(s)
100	0	1
400	5	4
500	7	6
1000	23	23
2000	149	117
3000	321	251
4000	526	431
5000	760	651
6000	1034	912

The profile for the preflight is:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 84.24      4.33     4.33     5502     0.79     0.79  xodtemplate_find_service
  7.78      4.73     0.40        1   400.00   449.66  xodtemplate_sort_services
  4.09      4.94     0.21        1   210.00   210.00  pre_flight_check
  0.78      4.98     0.04     5501     0.01     0.01  find_service

It looks like xodtemplate_find_service is still taking up a log of time. Can
anything be done to speed it up? Otherwise it looks like 6K hosts is going to be unatainable.

-Jason Martin
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