command pipe concatenated messages

Jim Mozley jim.mozley at
Mon Jan 26 12:13:57 CET 2004

Jim Mozley wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have been seeing a problem with submitting passive checks using 
> version 1.0 on Solaris 8. I had some discusions on this originally on 
> the nagios-users list, asked some questions on comp.lang.misc.perl and 
> finally ended up discussing this with Al Tobey as he I had some 
> questions on how he implemented command submission via in his perl module.
> The issue I see is with multiple passive checks becoming concatenated, 
> so I end up with events like this:
> My service is Up Some description[1065056739]
> PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT:my-host:my-service:0:Some description.
> Where another passive check becomes part of the description field of the 
> previous check.
> I am using some perl code to submit commands containing:
> open(PIPE, "> $pipe") or croak "Cannot open pipe $!";
> flock(PIPE, LOCK_EX);
> print PIPE "$cmd";
> # wait before releasing lock so we don't overlap cmds to Nagios
> sleep 2;
> close PIPE or croak "Cannot close pipe $!"; # also releases lock

(Enough of the recap.)

If I use the following:

system "$echo \"$cmd\" >> $pipe";

In place of the open, print, close (or any of the variations such as 
syswrite) I don't see the concatenation problem that I see using the 
perl approach.

I don't know why this is the case, but will post if I find an answer.

As soon as I can test I will check if Nagios::Cmd solves the issue 
instead or if it has the same problem on Solaris 8 with Nagios 1.0.


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