Inconsistency of Nagios

Mike Guthrie mguthrie at
Wed Jan 2 16:23:58 CET 2013

Typically when I've seen behavior like this, it's because there are 
multiple parent processes of Nagios running, so both instances are 
launching checks, and reaping each others results. Try killing off all 
Nagios processes, and then starting it fresh again to see if that 
resolves the issue.

/etc/init.d/nagios stop
killall -9 nagios
/etc/init.d/nagios start

On 1/2/2013 4:38 AM, Srikanth Gumma wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some help regarding nagios.
> We have around 500 Linux servers for which we are doing a ping and ssh 
> monitoring only. The entire functionality is based on remote and no 
> NRPE service is deployed. However I see very inconsistency on nagios 
> functionality. sometimes I don't see any updates on the nagios console 
> for more than one week.
> Our Nagios is installed on CentOS6.2 OS and it's the latest 
> version Nagios Core 3.4.3. and I could only see some messages like 
> below in /var/log/messages
> 'SSH' on host 'xyz' looks like it was orphaned (results never came 
> back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...
> any help is highly appreciated.
> Regards
> Srikanth
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Mike Guthrie
Technical Team
Nagios Enterprises, LLC
Email:  mguthrie at

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