Monitor Cisco Uptime

Jörg Linge pitchfork at
Sat Oct 20 21:05:22 CEST 2012


Am 20.10.2012 um 20:14 schrieb "Will Bashlor" <wbashlor at>:

> The thought in my mind for querying uptime via snmp had 2 purposes, 1.) to (possibly) alert on no snmp response, and 2.) To display uptime in a list format on Nagios for my network engineers/techs to view.
> I like the idea of alerting on uptime < 1 day. But wouldn’t the reply need to be in a numbered time format only? I guess my mind is in Cacti threshold plugin mode. For example:
> If the snmp respond replies with 4579200 in seconds (53 days), and I want to alert on uptime less than 1 day then my alert value would be <86400, correct? If this is true how can this be done when the response is:
> “iso. = Timeticks: (447923619) 51 days, 20:13:56.19”
> Or can I alert based on 447923619 only? It appears the 447923619 is seconds with the last 2 digits being hundredths. Secondly, how can I simply display “51 days, 20:13:56.19” In Nagios? I know these are basic questions, I have a lot to learn and will continue to research every day.
> We have ssh only enabled for obvious security reasons, so that would work as well for monitoring device vitals.
> I’m still interested in what other Network Managers as myself are using, services wise to monitor critical core equipment vitals other than ping, if anyone else would like to share.
> Today we are using an older version of whatsup with a little over 1000 devices/services (includes CPE) with ping only. I’m looking to Nagios as a possible future replacement. Love it so far, just a bit of a learning curve. NagiosQL helps me a lot with config files.
> Thanks for the response.
> -Will
> From: Fernando Feijo [mailto:ffeijo at] 
> Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:19 PM
> To: Nagios Users List
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Monitor Cisco Uptime
> >>>What other services do you recommend monitoring for up/down status besides ping?
> You could also do ssh or even telnet, if you have them enabled.
> You did not ask, but a comment on uptime. You can use it to detect router bounces, detecting rogue reloads or perhaps system crashes. I have it to go to critical whenever the uptime is below X minutes, and email out. Network tests such as ping, snmp or ssh availability might miss a quick box's trip down, but uptime will always catch a reload.
> Fernando
> **
> On Oct 20, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Will Bashlor <wbashlor at> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Well I’m not sure which of the steps below worked but it started working in Nagios and the check_snmp command works from cli. I’d still be interested in a guide or the correct steps I should have taken. I’m on a test vm now but will be reinstalling on a production vm later.
> root at atcdeb01:~# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H x.x.x.x -C public -o sysUpTime.0
> SNMP OK - Timeticks: (448261008) 51 days, 21:10:10.08 |
> root at atcdeb01:~#
> Now I’ve got to figure out a couple more things. Feel free to respond if you can help.
> 1.)    Even though ping and uptime show ok, the test Cisco host status went to “PENDING” in Nagios…?
> 2.)    Not sure how to get rid of part of the response I don’t need for uptime. I only need “51 days, 21:10:10.08” under Status Information in Nagios
> Another thing, I’m looking for advice. For monitoring up/down status’ for core Cisco routers/switches my idea is to monitor snmp response and ping, but I don’t want to get 2 alerts from 1 device if it were to go down.
> So can I get ping or snmp alerts if they go down individually and only one alert if the device is down hard? What other services do you recommend monitoring for up/down status besides ping?
> Or is ping sufficient enough in your opinion? I may configure text alerts only on ping and maybe just email alerts for snmp, or no alerts for snmp. I like seeing uptime in Nagios though, it makes it easy to see if any devices have just rebooted after an event.
> I continue to research every day but I am interested in your thoughts and opinions if you’d like to share.
> Oh, can I integrate Nagios with my Cacti? Sorry for all the questions but will be very grateful for any responses.
> Thanks all very much,
> -Will
> From: Will Bashlor [mailto:wbashlor at] 
> Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:23 AM
> To: Nagios Users List
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Monitor Cisco Uptime
> Hi list,
> I’ve searched to no avail, this is a basic question with hopefully a simple answer.
> I’m a long time cacti user (windows), I know basic Linux knowledge, new to Nagios. I have a fresh install of Debian stable (squeeze) with apt-get installed Webmin, ssh, apache2, and Nagios 3.2.1, nagiosql, and whatever dependencies. I am trying to setup monitoring of our core Cisco routers and switches. I have configured 2 services, ping and uptime. Ping works great of course but I can’t get a valid response from check_snmp for uptime. Here’s the command I’ve tried from the command line:
> root at atcdeb01:/# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H x.x.x.x -C public -o sysUpTime.0
> no output, it just hangs
> I’ve also tried
> root at atcdeb01:/# /usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c public x.x.x.x sysUpTime.0
> sysUpTime.0: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> sysUpTime)
> Obviously with the correct IP and community string
> If I try this I get:
> root at atcdeb01:/# /usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c public x.x.x.x
> iso. = Timeticks: (447923619) 51 days, 20:13:56.19
> So using OID names aren’t working. I’ve researched with not much luck.
> From here and various other sites I’ve tried…
> Added “deb squeeze main contrib non-free” to /etc/apt/sources.list
> apt-get update
> Then apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
> Then “download-mibs”. Restart snmp.
> All to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Is there a simple guide I can use so check_snmp works with oid names for Cisco and other devices?
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Best Regards,
> -Will
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