check_command value when command contains quotes

Abhijeet R abhijeet.1989 at
Sat Oct 13 17:26:32 CEST 2012


When I executed
sudo -u nagios /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ hostname 
"check_haproxy -u \"http://localhost:10000/haproxy?stats\;csv\""

from terminal of the nagios server box, I get no errors. But, on nagios, 
it said like

"Return code of 127 is out of bounds – plugin may be missing".

In my host /etc/nagios/objects/services/haproxy.cfg file, check_command 
said something like:

check_haproxy -u \"http://localhost:10000/haproxy?stats\;csv\"

So, what am I missing?

Abhijeet R

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