Confusion on nrpe

Edwin Zoeller Edwin.Zoeller at
Mon May 7 19:54:19 CEST 2012

What OS are you running?

From: Meyer, Bruce [mailto:bdmeyer at]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 12:23 PM
To: Nagios Users List
Subject: [Nagios-users] Confusion on nrpe

I have been struggling with the documentation on nrpe.
It is very difficult to tell when the text is talking about configuring something on the monitoring server, and when the text is describing configuring something on the monitored device.

My goal for a group of machines behind a DMZ is to query some plugins, and send the reulsts from the Monitored servers TO the centralized Nagios server that displays the status of all ncsa, nrpe etc machines.
I thought that the purpose of NRPE was to fill this need.

Now I am starting to think that NRPE has nothing to do with this. Here is what I have tried:

I have a group of servers behind a dmz that I do not want Nagios to talk directly to.
Rather, I want these servers to send status info to the central nagios server outbound through the DMZ firewall.

I have nrpe installed on both the central nagios server, and also on the servers behind the DMZ.

I am not using xinetd, or inetd, rather a simple daemon.

To test if everything is working, from the command line on a server behind the dmz I enter:

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H (central server ip) -c check_users

And I get back the results that apply to the Central Monitoring server, not from the host..

If I swap the -H with localhost, I get back the correct info.

Is it possible to send the results from the DMZ machines to the Centralized Nagios server?

My goal is to send from servers behind dmz to the nagios server.

Thanks for any help.

--Bruce D. Meyer

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