Host acknowledgments not respecting "persistent"

Mike Lindsey mike-nagios at
Thu Jun 16 22:47:11 CEST 2011

Host acks are being cleared on restart with 3.2.1, checking the 
changelog, I don't see any fixes for this.

The command ending up in the log is:
[1308256491] EXTERNAL COMMAND: 
ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM;xxxxxxx;2;0;1;Mike Lindsey;testing restarts

It's interesting that the sticky bit is being set to '2'...  But from 
looking at the code, it seems like it just tests for boolean, so that 
should be fine.  Persistent is set to 1, but on a restart the host is no 
longer acked.

Has this been silently fixed in 3.2.2, or 3.2.3?  Is it on the roadmap 
for 3.2.4?

Mike Lindsey

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