Notifications on passive service checks

Alberto Menichetti alb.menichetti at
Tue Nov 16 22:41:03 CET 2010

Hi all,

I noticed the same strange behavior, but I don't think it's the right 
Operating in this way, a linkDown trap will be notified only once (in 
fact the sender device will generate a single trap in response to state 
Is it possibile to modify this behavior?

Hall, JC wrote:
> After some testing, it looks like it will only re-notify after receiving another passive check result.  It won't simply re-notify because it's still in a non-ok state after the notification_interval has expired.  So to combat this I just used the check freshness attribute to re-execute my external script and feed the passive check result into nagios and thus re-sending a non-ok notification at what would have been the interval for notifications.
> So technically my external scripts are running at every interval to check the freshnes, not only when it's called for by my event_handler from another active service check...  which I'm ok with.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Ericsson [mailto:ae at] 
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 5:00 AM
> To: Nagios Users List
> Cc: Hall, JC
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Notifications on passive service checks
> On 11/11/2010 11:27 PM, Hall, JC wrote:
>> Is it accurate that Nagios will only send 1 notification for a
>> passive service check?
>> IE, the notification_interval definition for a passively checked
>> service won't instruct Nagios to re-send a notification such as with
>> actively checked services?
> To be honest, I haven't got the faintest idea. An educated guess is
> that it will re-send the notification if it receives another passive
> check-result and enough time has passed though, or that it simply
> re-sends the notification when enough time has passed.
> If you try and find out, let me know either way and I'll amend the
> docs.

TAI S.r.l.

Alberto Menichetti
Area Mercato - Ingegneria dei Sistemi
System Engineer

50141 Firenze - Via Pazzagli, 2 
Voice: +39 055 42661 - Fax +39 055 4266356 
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e-mail: alb.menichetti at

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