NSCA w/ secondary nagios machine monitoring separate network segment

Andy Graybeal andy.graybeal at casanueva.com
Mon Nov 1 12:40:52 CET 2010

> Have you checked the nagios.cfg file and ensured the path for
> command_file is the same in both the nagios.cfg and nsca.cfg? Nagios
> should be creating the command file on start up.  If they are the same,
> check that nagios has write permissions to /var/lib/nagios3/rw.  Also,
> the command file is a pipe, not a simple file, so "touch" isn't good
> enough, you'll need to use mkfifo or mknod.

Jonathon, it was simple newb issue.  nagios.cfg needed 
'check_external_commands' enabled.

I got passive service checks working last night.  Many thanks to bashk 
on irc.

Now to get passive host checks working.


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