Escalations - Warning to Critical, without skipping?

Mike Lindsey mike-nagios at
Wed May 19 20:29:09 CEST 2010

So, here's my situation.  I've got around 10k checks, Warnings do not 
notify, because we have historically had issues with Warning 
notifications (from the contact group setting) going out, then a service 
turning critical and the pager escalations (which only include critical) 
skipping directly to "Page everyone, and a couple managers" because we'd 
already had 3 warning-level notifications.

So, now all contacts have warning notifications disabled.  Which leads 
to missed events.

Is there any way to notify on warnings, without incrementing the 
notification count, and affecting escalations?

What I want is:  Warnings notify, and when a service turns Critical, it 
always starts at step 1 of the escalations.
That way, ops and dev can get notifications about service issues, before 
we get to the point where we need to page about it.  And when it does 
get to be paging time, nagios isn't waking up management at 4am.

I'd love to avoid having duplicate service checks, with a "warning" 
check that has warning notifications enabled, and a "critical" check 
with warning notifications disabled.

Ideal would be some manner of having split escalations, where it tracks 
the number of notifications of a specific state, and escalates based on 
that, but it looks like that requires some serious refactoring of the code.

(Running 3.0.6)
Mike Lindsey


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