How to check a host, ping disabled

Jim Avery jim at
Wed Nov 25 14:23:42 CET 2009

2009/11/25 Samir Pathan <samir at>:
> Hello,
> I need to monitor the servers which has ping disabled. Where and what
> configuration I have to change. Please suggest.
> Best regards,
> Sam.

If it is a server then presumably it has some other port open?  For
example if it's an email server, you may be able to use check_smtp as
your host check.  It really depends what is available to you, and what
will give you a check which is closest to answering the question "Is
this host 'up'?".

You will need to change the check_command directive in the host
definition for that host, and you might need to tweak the command
definition too.

For example, your new host definition might look like this:

  define host{
    use             generic-host
    host_name       server1
    alias           server1 - email server - pings disabled
    hostgroups      +servers
    parents         router3
    check_command                   check_smtp!-w 5 -c 8

and your check_smtp command definition might look like this:

  # 'check_smtp' command definition
  define command{
          command_name    check_smtp
          command_line    $USER1$/check_smtp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$



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