Escalate after X warnings or criticals

Mark Gius mgius at
Fri Nov 6 03:49:03 CET 2009

Currently, service notifications contain "first/last_notification" 
directives, that specify the range of notifications that the escalation 
should apply to.  This method of escalation has a weakness however.

At my work, we let warnings go to the default contact (which happens to 
be email), and escalate to a pager chain on critical.  However, if a 
service sits in WARNING for a length of time (which is likely to happen 
in the middle of the night), by the time the service enters a CRITICAL 
state the notification count exceeds our highest escalation, and our 
entire team gets paged immediately.

What I'd like to see is the ability to distinguish between a WARNING 
notification and a CRITICAL notification in the escalation, and set up 
escalation chains that work based on the number of CRITICAL's that have 
been sent, as opposed to the total number of notifications.

I am planning on patching nagios to support this behavior if there isn't 
a way to achieve this behavior with the current implementation.  My plan 
is to add a warning/critical count to service, add a first/last 
warning/critical state to service escalations, and add the directives 
"(first|last)_(warning|critical)_notification" to the service escalation 
configs.  The idea is also to keep the current behavior 
(notification_count and first/last_notification would still be present), 
but allow finer grained control over when escalations are sent out.  
This way if somebody didn't want to use the finer grained control their 
behavior would stay the same.  My current plan is to match the 
escalation if _any_ of the 3 notification ranges match 

Any advice on making this behavior happen with Nagios as-is, or 
suggestions/advice on the implementation are welcome.


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