Max concurrent service checks

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Thu Mar 26 10:57:49 CET 2009

Gian Paolo Buono wrote:
> Hi,
> I set this limit because my server go in hang ...and I don'have any error
> log in /var/log/messages ...
> I have think that my server there are too many processes ...
> I have set max_concurrent_checks=0 and my server go in hanq more often...
> My server is a FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2 with 950 host and 4900 service, Nagios
> 3.0.3
> Anothre problem is that  sometimes nagios don't update the status and when i
> try to stop nagios don't dies, i try to kill -9 the process but don't dies
> so I have to reboot the server.
> Any idea ? thank you for the support bye..

The only way I'm aware of that a process can become unkillable is when it's
in uninterruptable IO (ie, the kernel is waiting for response from a piece
of hardware in such a way that everything else is more or less locked down).

Are you using network-mounted drives to store any of Nagios' output files?
If so, stop doing that immediately. Network filesystems perform extremely
poorly with files that are being frequently updated.

Apart from that, it seems as if your system isn't quite up to scratch for
handling the workload you want to put on it.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

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