Consolidating Log Files

Christopher McAtackney cristoir at
Thu Apr 16 19:12:50 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I'm thinking of setting up my Nagios system in a "Redundant
Monitoring" configuration - two servers (a primary and secondary)
which both monitor all hosts / services, but only one of which has
notifications enabled (the primary).

Upon failure of the primary, the secondary will enable its own
notifications (and upon the primary returning to an OK state,
notifications will be disabled).

One aspect of this that I am wondering how to tackle is consolidating
my log files after a failure has occurred.

I want my primary Nagios server's log files to reflect the total
history of check results that have been made - and so would like the
results from the secondary server for the time period when the primary
was done, to be consolidated into the log files of the primary (for
browsing through the web UI).

Has anyone looked into this before, and how did you solve the problem
of duplicate result checks being created in the primary log?


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