Antwort: Re: NSCA and long output

Thomas Borger Thomas.Borger at
Wed May 28 07:12:04 CEST 2008

> Looking at the NSCA sources, common.h has:
> #define MAX_PLUGINOUTPUT_LENGTH       512
> I'm guessing that's the issue right there.  The first thing I'd try is
> to bump that up to 4096, and recompile send_nsca and nsca.  I haven't
> looked very carefully at the source or tried this myself, but it seems
> like a good place to start.
> Mike

Yes that's right. I use this since a couple of days. But you have to
check the value in nagios source code (include/nagios.h) too.
It muste be at least the same or higher.


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