check_load --- divide by number of cpus?

Ugo Bellavance ugob at
Fri May 9 14:36:18 CEST 2008

Terry a écrit :
> I am sitting here racking my brain on this one.  Is dividing the load
> average by the number of CPUs a smart thing to do?  the 'uptime'
> command on a box does not do this.  So, if I have an 8 core box
> sitting with a load average of 8, its the same as a single core box
> sitting with a load average of 1?  I'll see the same type of server
> response?  Thoughts?

It depends.  What are you running, cpu-intensive processes?  Multi or 
single-threaded? I/O intensive processes?  If you are running mostly I/O 
intensive process, don't forget that your I/O subsystem (hard drives) is 
shared among all processes, no matter how many CPUs you have.

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