About notification procedure

Yu Watanabe yu.watanabe at jp.fujitsu.com
Thu May 8 03:03:32 CEST 2008


Could I ask you one more thing ?

In the document it says 
"Whenever a service check results in a non-OK status level, Nagios will attempt to check and see if the
host that the service is running on is "alive""

However, there weren't any SERVICE ALERT that is related to this host 
before the HOST ALERT had occured.

   3440 [1207507087] HOST ALERT: HostA;DOWN;SOFT;1;CRITICAL - rta nan, lost 100%
   3441 [1207507097] HOST ALERT: HostA;DOWN;SOFT;2;CRITICAL - rta nan, lost 100%
   3442 [1207507107] HOST ALERT: HostA;DOWN;HARD;3;CRITICAL - rta nan, lost 100%
   3447 [1207507107] SERVICE ALERT: HostA;icmp_ping_alive;CRITICAL;HARD;1;CRITICAL - rta nan, lost 100%
   3450 [1207507187] HOST ALERT: HostA;UP;HARD;1;OK - rta 0.803ms, lost 0%

Are there any situations which Nagios executes the host check process ?

Yu Watanabe

Marc Powell さんは書きました:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagios-users-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:nagios-users-
>> bounces at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Yu Watanabe
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:30 AM
>> To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: [Nagios-users] About notification procedure
>> Hello,
>> I would like to get an advice regarding to the host and service
>> procedure.
>> My question is why there wasn't any notification after the line 3447?
>> I have searched the document(Nagios 2.x) for this issue but I couldn't
>> find a description which describes,
>> "Why Nagios does not send Service Notification if there were an Host
>> Status changes before the Service Alert?"
>"Monitoring Services on Down or Unreachable Hosts
>The main purpose of Nagios is to monitor services that run on or are
>provided by physical hosts or devices on your network. It should be
>obvious that if a host or device on your network goes down, all services
>that it offers will also go down with it. Similarly, if a host becomes
>unreachable, Nagios will not be able to monitor the services associated
>with that host.
>Nagios recognizes this fact and attempts to check for such a scenario
>when there are problems with a service. Whenever a service check results
>in a non-OK status level, Nagios will attempt to check and see if the
>host that the service is running on is "alive". Typically this is done
>by pinging the host and seeing if any response is received. If the host
>check commmand returns a non-OK state, Nagios assumes that there is a
>problem with the host. In this situation Nagios will "silence" all
>potential alerts for services running on the host and just notify the
>appropriate contacts that the host is down or unreachable. If the host
>check command returns an OK state, Nagios will recognize that the host
>is alive and will send out an alert for the service that is
>Since you've disabled host notifications, no-one is notified.
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