Nagios service and host event handlers during service and host down time

Wheeler, JF (Jonathan) J.F.Wheeler at
Fri May 2 13:05:08 CEST 2008

We have started using Nagios service and host event handlers to trigger
24 hour callouts for our critical hosts and services.  However today we
had a situation when a host was put into downtime, but callouts were
triggered for a number of services on this host.  Does a host downtime
period have any effect on service checks on that host ?  Do we have to
put the services into downtime as well if the host is still up and known
to Nagios ?  I did check the on-line documentation but I could not see
any explanation of situations like this.  Any help would be much

Jonathan Wheeler
e-Science Centre
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

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