MOM - Nagios connector

Roger Roger at
Wed Mar 19 23:20:20 CET 2008

Has anyone played with this MOM/Nagios connector?

>From the webpage

"The MOM to Nagios allows you to send alerts to/from MOM to/from Nagios.
This is a bi-directional connector."

Here is a page telling how it works

a snippet from the last URL:


eXc Software knows that using Microsoft Operations Manager as an enterprise
management tool is all you really need to operate your data center(s) since
eXc Software provides "pure Windows" solutions for managing the non-Windows
environment. Combine that with the unparalleled monitoring power for Windows
servers and Microsoft Operations Manager becomes the only tool you really
need. We realize however that you might have invested time and money into
other similar tools. Maybe you are in the process of migrating from a
different tool to Microsoft Operations Manager or you want both to be
operational simultaneously. This is where the eXc Software connector
framework comes into play. By combining several component
architectures/tools, eXc Software is able to provide uni-directional and
bi-directional connectors at a reasonable price.


The benefits of using the eXc Software connector solution(s) vs. our
competitors are:
1. Cost
2. Our solution is highly customizable (without the need to recompile
3. Our solution is fault tolerant
4. Our solution is always a "pure Windows" solution

Don't let other companies convince you that you have to spend a lot of money
to get MOM talking to other solutions! Why is it that we can provide the
same functionality at a fraction of the cost? Our solution is built on top
of existing tools and products that Microsoft provides for free and that we
have already built. These tools and products are:
1. The MOM Connector Framework (MCF) provided with MOM
2. The eXc Software non-Windows WMI Event Provider
3. The eXc Software SNMP MOM helper objects

If you have a connector requirement that we do not have, please contact us
and typically we will build it at no cost to you!
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