About check_udp plugin

Yu Watanabe yu.watanabe at jp.fujitsu.com
Tue Jun 17 14:37:20 CEST 2008


I just want to confirm that whether the UDP 161 port is
available not . We don't need to know if the service is up or not.

Like you mentioned , I think the best way is to access to the agent.
However, is there any plugin that just confirms that the UDP 161 port is available or not ? 
If no, I will use the check_snmp and access to the agent.

Best Regards,
Yu Watanabe

Marc Powell さんは書きました:
>On Jun 16, 2008, at 8:04 PM, Yu Watanabe wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I used the check_udp service , like check_tcp, to check whether the  
>> 161 is useful or not.
>> Is this not the write way to use it ?
>It depends on what you consider useful. It's entirely possible for a  
>port to establish a connection but not actually be working at higher  
>levels (i.e. answering queries). In your case, you've only determined  
>that there's something listening on the port, not that it's snmpd,  
>actually working or returning data you expect.
>IMHO, if there's a higher level test that's possible like check_snmp  
>in this case, that will be a more accurate and useful test.
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