trends.cgi strange problem

Livio Zanol Puppim livio.zanol.puppim at
Wed Apr 9 22:32:03 CEST 2008


I was trying to generate some reports using trends.cgi and have found a problem.

If I change the "end date" to something before "today" the cgi gives
me a wrong report, showing an "always up" report, which is not true.

I can change the start date to whatever I want, and the problem don't
show up. I can also modify the hours, minutes, or seconds on the end
date and the report shows real data. The problem only happends when
the end date is changed to something diferent (on day, month or year)
then the today date.

If I want to get a report right now, I can go to trends.cgi and set
the end date to something like 04/09/2008 00:01, but cannot set the
end date to something like 04/08/2008 23:59.

Has anyone see this problem before?

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