per host service notifications

Dan Newcombe newcombe at
Thu Apr 3 22:40:16 CEST 2008

I am upgrading (finally) to version 2 of nagios.  I am trying to keep my 
configs as modular as possible using templating and groups wherever I 
can - the idea being adding a new host should be a one or two line 
change to inherit all needed "stuff".

The problem I'm running into are services and who gets contacted.
Lets take ping as a perfect example.   I have one definition of the ping 
service, which is the default one.  However, different hosts who 
different contact groups (ie. networkadmins, server admins, Avaya admins 
who should be notified of ping failures to network, server and Avaya 
hosts respectively).
I am able to define a contact group for a host (though not for a 
hostgroup it appears :( .     However, each service definition has a 
contact group defined in it.    So regardless of the host, the ping 
service is going to use the contactgroup defined in the service.

I realize that I could make the ping service a template, and then define 
a ping service for each contact group, but that seems ugly.

Is there an option I'm missing which would do something along the lines 
of "use the host contactgroup for all services on the host" or something 
like that?   To me that seems the most logical way around this.


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