how to use servicedependency?

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Thu Sep 27 15:44:29 CEST 2007

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Aaron Devey wrote:

> If I am reading your question right, the dependency works, but currently
> you get alerts for sv1.dummy1 AND sj2.router1, and you only want alerts
> for sj2.router1.

Either one. I just don't want to get two alerts.

>  If this is the case, you could try setting up
> sv1.dummy1 so that it doesn't alert.  Unfortunately, you might run into
> problems with getting sj2.router1 to recognize a recovery if sv1.dummy1
> recovers first.  You could try a circular dependency (and I'm not even
> sure if you can do that in nagios) where sj2.router1 only runs if
> sv1.dummy1 is failing, and sv1.dummy1 only runs if sj2.router1 is
> passing.  But then you might get a problem where neither check runs
> because sv1.dummy1 is passing, and sj2.router1 is failing.
> This is a difficult problem to solve with service dependencies. 
> Basically you want <service> to go critical if both <check A> AND <check
> B> fail.  But recover if either <check A> OR <check B> pass. 

Not really an OR. Using the 'servicedependency" I don't want the second 
check to be done if the first passes.

Thanks for the rest of your ideas. It is a little different than what I 
want. I need the second check (if the first check fails) to be performed 
on a remote machine. (Your check_double does seem useful and I may use it 

Does anyone here use servicedependency? Can you please share an example of 
what the execution_failure_criteria and notification_failure_criteria 

  Jeremy C. Reed

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