SCRIPT BASH monitor big files

Lars Stavholm stava at
Wed Sep 5 18:22:40 CEST 2007

riky.none wrote:
> I need one script BASH that looking for all files big more xx
> in ML  there is one god BASH programmer???  >:)
> syntax check_file_size volume MAX MB  (es. check_file_size /home 400)
> output
> OK no big file
> ERROR there is file1 file2 file3 > of MAX
> i have create one but is terrible ed not work
> why BASH????
> because i can not install sw in HPUX e LINUX machine (i use ssh to run 
> remote command)
> bye

Maybe this will help:

--- Begin Included Message ---

# @(#) $Id$
# @(#) Check file sizes using find(1) and alert if out of bounds.

# preliminaries...
pgm=`basename $0`
ver=`echo '$Revision: 1.0 $' | sed -e 's/[^0-9.]//g'`
dir="/home"; wsize="20M"; csize="50M"
usg="usage: $pgm [-h,--help] [-V,--version] [-g, --debug]
              [{-w,--warning} <size>] [{-c,--critical} <size>] [<dir>]
Scan <dir> for file sizes using find(1) and issue a...
o warning if size is between -w <size> and -c <size>, or a...
o critical if bigger than -c <size>, or...
o OK if no files bigger than -w <size> were found.
-h, --help             this text, no other action
-V, --version          display verion, no other action
-g, --debug            turn on debug mode
-w, --warning <size>   warning file size, default $wsize
-c, --critical <size>  critical file size, default $csize
<dir>                  directory to scan, default $dir"

# Nagios states...

# error handling...
  echo >&2 "$pgm: $*"

# get and validate inpt options...
args=`getopt -o hVgw:c: \
             -l help,version,debug,warning:,critical: \
             -u -n$0 -- "$@"`
[ $? = 0 ] || err "aborted"
set -- $args

# parse input options...
while true; do
  case $1 in
        -h|--help) echo "$usg"; exit $STATE_OK;;
     -V|--version) echo "$pgm version $ver"; exit $STATE_OK;;
       -g|--debug) set -x; shift;;
     -w|--warning) wsize=$2; shift 2;;
    -c|--critical) csize=$2; shift 2;;
               --) shift; break;;
    *) err "internal error";;
# get the last item, if there at all...
[ -n "$*" ] && dir="$*"

# validate directory exists...
[ -d $dir ] || err "$dir: not found"

# prepare...
xargs="xargs -r ls -lh"
awk="awk '{print \$3,\$5,\$9}'"

# look for warnings...
find="find $dir -warn -size +$wsize -a -size -$csize"
warn=`$find | $xargs | eval $awk`
[ -n "$warn" ] && state=$STATE_WARNING && wcount=`$find | wc -l`

# look for critical...
find="find $dir -size +$csize"
crit=`$find | $xargs | eval $awk`
[ -n "$crit" ] && state=$STATE_CRITICAL && ccount=`$find | wc -l`

# display some output...
case $state in
        $STATE_OK) echo "File size check OK - no files  matched criteria";;
   $STATE_WARNING) echo "Warning: $wcount files matched criteria - $warn";;
  $STATE_CRITICAL) echo "Critical: $ccount files matched criteria - $crit";;

# exit with proper state...
exit $state

--- End Included Message ---

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