nagios client cannot be uninstall stop and start

Phil Costelloe philc at
Tue Oct 3 14:51:24 CEST 2006

richard martin wrote:
> Hi..
> i got the following error show in my nagios server on one of the
> monitored server Ms Windows 2000 server, the status UNKNOWN NSClient
> - ERROR:Malformed request or internal error. Check
> EventLog:None&8&\Memory\Page Reads/sec   
> When I go to the nagios client on the monitored server --> service, i
> found nagios client status shown as stop.  But when I highlight the
> nagios agent in the service, it won't allow me to start or stop.  The
> stop and start button are grey up.  i went to the task manager, I saw
> the Pnsclient.exe is running but I can't kill it, access denied.  I
> tried to uninstall, but the nagios agent still appear in the service
> and task manager.    What can I do now ?     

NSClient does seem to hang on Windows 2000 occasionally, it doesn't seem
to have the same problem on Windows 2003 though.

I think I used to use pskill from to kill the process
and that allowed the service to be restarted. Obviously if you've
uninstalled, you may need to reinstall first. You could also use the
Windows native kill program from the W2K Resource Kit.


Phil Costelloe
Technical Consultant

philc at
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