Alerts - Verbal notification - via phone

Stringham, Steven SStringh at
Thu May 11 19:25:18 CEST 2006

Has anybody out there configured Nagios to alert via telephone? I don't
mean like a SMS message or the like. I figure I am more likely to answer
my home phone ringing at 0 dark hundred than my cell phone's little
email beeps. Also, that would let me alert others that are not actively
watching the cellphone, blackberry, etc.

I want the system to call my home phone and tell me:
"This is your friendly office Nagios system. Host X is down - service Y
is not running. The time is now 02:43. Get your butt out of bed and fix

I am thinking an interface with something like Asterisk might work. But,
not having set up Asterisk before, I am not quite sure where to go. So,
I plan on working on getting into it.

I have found one other application that did something like this, and
when I demod it, the voice quality really stunk, and I could not
configure what it said, etc. And, I did not like the monitor aspect of
it as well as I like Nagios.

Just wondering if I am reinventing the wheel, or does someone has a
spare in the garage?

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