Reload configuration data without restart

Robert Hajime Lanning lanning at
Thu Mar 30 03:21:14 CEST 2006

<quote who="Shirley Wu">
> I checked the /etc/init.d/nagios script. The reload option actually
>  does the "killproc_nagios nagios -HUP".
> It seems that there's no way to get around it.

Wrong.  The "-HUP" does what has been asked.  It sends the HUP
POSIX Signal to the Nagios process.  Upon receiving this signal
the Nagios process re-examines it's configuration files.

Now, if you sent the "KILL" signal, then the process will die.

The "kill" function call (and command which calls the said function)
is just the method of delivering the signal to a process.

Signal number 9 (aka "KILL") has one outcome.  The process must die.
No ifs, ands, or buts.

All others can be caught within the program and cause specific actions
to happen.  Usually the "HUP" signal is used to re-read config files.
By default the "kill" command sends the "TERM" signal.  The "TERM"
signal is usually used to tell the program that you want it to
shutdown nicely, write transactions, close files, clean up its work
area, then exit on its own.

And, did Guloka think the Ulus were too ugly to save?

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