cluster vs cluster2 vs config suggestions

Az az at
Sat Mar 11 03:29:30 CET 2006

>Question 1 - Is there a difference between check_cluster and check_cluster2?
Outwardly, just the way you use them. #2 seems tidier in the way you do it.
Inwardly, I would assume #2 does it better but I've not looked into the 
code of each to confirm this myself.

>Question 2
>Since the variable $HOSTADDRESS$ is not pass to the check_cluster command and that hosts status are pass in the command, how did you guys configure your stuff for the cluster service?
>I was thinking about making a "ghost" host , with no notification, with nothing, witch would have multiple cluster services. Something like...
There's probably 100 ways to skin this cat. The way we've done these 
sorts of setups in v1.x (and again when we upgraded to v2) are along the 
lines of...

* A host definition for each _physical_ cluster node (eg ahost01a, 
* Add the usual suspects for service checks to each _physical_ (eg local 
disk, cpu, memory, swap...).
* A host definition for the _virtual_ node(s) in the cluster (eg 
ahost01-print, ahost01-file...).
* Add the clustered service checks to the _virtuals_, including a 
check_cluster one as well (eg only the disks and service checks that 
relate to that clustered service).

This would only work if you have a separate service IP for each of the 
_virtuals_, and the host names in all cases would depend on how you name 
your hosts. We name our cluster nodes with the node suffix for this 
reason (ahost01a and ahost01b are part of a cluster, virtually, called 

The above gets messy when you have, say, 10 services on a 2 node 
cluster. You end up with 12 host defs, most of which have a single service.

A variant is to have a pseudo-virtual node for the entire cluster (eg, 
physicals ahost01a and ahost01b, and virtual ahost01), and add the 
clustered services to that virtual. Thus you have only 3 host 
definitions. The down side is you will need to tweak the command defs as 
most use $HOSTNAME$ etc for the IP, and this wouldnt necessarily be 
valid if you have a unique IP for each service the cluster is providing.

I guess it depends on how you expect things to appear (that is, what 
makes more sense in the mind of those who monitor your Nagios instance).

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