Nagios doesn't send mail!

gmourani at gmourani at
Thu Mar 9 16:16:26 CET 2006

Hello list,

I'm using nagios 1.2 and it's working fine except the fact that it doens't
send mail when servicegoes down! I can see on the web interface that the
service is down (red) but I don't get emailed on my phone or email

The mail program is working on the server, I can use command like
"sendmail name at < /tmp/testmail.txt" and receive the email, I
can also use /bin/mail -s to send mail via the terminal and I receive it,
therefore /bin/mail and /usr/sbin/sendmail work. I know that Nagios use
/bin/mail to send alert because that is what is used and configured inside
the misscommand.cfg file. So I don't understand why Nagios doesn't alert
me when hosts or service goes down.

Somebody has an idea? Thanks.


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