how to customize which macros get sent with service event handlers?

prosolutions at prosolutions at
Tue Mar 7 19:22:11 CET 2006

According to

"In most cases, event handler commands will be shell or perl scripts. At
a minimum, the scripts should take the following macros as arguments: 

Service event handler macros: $SERVICESTATE$, $SERVICESTATETYPE$,

I have created a simple external command triggerend by a service event
handler that just echoes $@ to a temp file and can verify that it does provide these three macros to the external command.  But I want/need to provide other macros (such as $HOSTNAME$) to my external command.  I'm am not sure how this is done - am not finding anything in the docs which mentions how to do this.  Is there some config option where which macros are sent by an event handler can be defined?

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