Bruce Pennypacker bruce.pennypacker at
Mon Jan 16 23:08:57 CET 2006

I would like to write a couple scripts to help automate maintainence tasks
for a site we're using Nagios to monitor.  I was hoping to be able to write
a couple of scripts that would make use of SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME and
DEL_HOST_DOWNTIME to do this.  In a nutshell, I want to be able to run one
command that schedules a fixed downtime for an arbitrary length of time
specified by the user.  This could schedule downtime for anywhere from one
host to all the hosts that Nagios monitors. I was then hoping to be able to
use DEL_HOST_DOWNTIME to clear those downtimes when the maintence work was
complete.  The problem I'm having, however, is that DEL_HOST_DOWNTIME
requires the downtime ID, which I don't see any way of obtaining from
outside Nagios (short of looking it up in the GUI).   Is there a way I can
clear a downtime entry for a host without knowing the downtime ID (or
alternately, some way of looking up that ID via a remote command)?


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